Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Replacing missing teeth

Do you struggle with dentures?

We offer complimentary appointments with our treatment coordinator to discuss the numerous options for replacing missing teeth. See what this patient had to say about his experience.

"Having lost four teeth in the upper jaw of my mouth as a result of periodontal disease I was fitted with a plastic ugly denture.
This put a serious dampen on my social life, but I was told this was the only option basically for the rest of my life. 
I found it embarrassing talking to people and dining was a nightmare.
I had heard about dental implants but was put off the idea by N.H.S dentists and other people with negative attitudes.
I was determined to find a dentist who could carry this out. I dreaded the thought of wearing a denture for the foreseeable future. Having looked into the prospect of implants I was referred to the Ruthin Dental Practice whose staff where very helpful and positive.
I consulted Joanna Kettle who made me an appointment with Mr Kelso.
Having talked me through all options he told me it was possible to have a four tooth implant retained bridge which would entail several visits to his surgery.
The actual placing of the implants was a painless experience and the staff were very attentive and caring and the outcome was !very! pleasing.
I can now smile and socialise with confidence. I can eat anything I like and do not have to coat my gums with dental paste!
Anybody thinking about starting this treatment should go ahead at once, it is an excellent investment in time and money."
October 2017

This lovely lady is very pleased with her results and implants have transformed her. She is delighted to be able to throw away her denture!

Do you want to know more? Ring to book a complimentary appointment with Joanna Kettle to discuss the various options to replace missing teeth. Tel: 01824 703 201

Joanna Kettle

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